Friday, November 25, 2011

Hargai tanpa naluri

Hargai tanpa naluri

Manusia sering menyesali

Apa yang telah pergi

Walaupun sekadar sebentar tadi

Detik pergi tanpa dihargai

Dalam meniti usia hari-hari

Belajar dan mengerti

Mengerti untuk apa menghargai

Menghargai apa yang diberi

Segalanya diberi Ilahi

Masa tenaga sihat harta diberi

Tak lupa juga denyut di nadi

Pernahkah kita menghargai?

Agar tidak sesal di hari nanti

Aku cuba menghargai detik ini

Bukan sekadar naluri hati

Tetapi atas dasar ilahi

Belajarlah menghargai

Setiap detik yang diberi

Kerana pasti dikira nanti

Nanti di waktu yang pasti

M.Muhsin Hairudin

00.09am 26-11-11

Mood: berfikir panjang.

1)Apa yang sudah dilepas seperti mula bertaut kembali.

Padahal sudah ada yang mula menghinggapi

2) Apa yang diingin sudah dalam lingkungan. Hanya perlu sempurnakan langkah. Moga diberi kekuatan yang dicari Ya Allah

Revision for my soul

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 6 - Apply active participation in your learning process. Force yourself to come forward the next time your clinical teacher looks for a volunteer to clerk a patient, perform a physical exam, assist in a procedure or operation. You will be rewarded with a great sense of achievement, much more than your passive friends - even if you gonna get some criticism/ negative feedback at the end.

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 7 - Do not procrastinate, submit assignments before deadline. Do not postpone till the very last minute, no matter how tempting it is to delay. Put in your best effort in everything you do. Be exceptional, not just a mediocre!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 8 - Ask questions, clarify any area of doubt. Make it a must to ask your teacher before a teaching session ends. Keep asking - there are no such things as stupid questions - only stupid answers! A lot of active, critical thinking must come before might be too much for some, eh? No wonder you all are no longer asking these days!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 9 - Never leave God behind in your pursuit to be the men/women of medicine. As healers, we are the INSTRUMENT of God's mercy. Continue your strive to be close to Him, for you will definitely need Him endlessly. It is through your hands, words, eyes and smiles that God is going to cure and care for the sick and fallen. May you deserve such honour!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 10 - Keep in touch with your parents & family. They're your best support. Update them with your progress. Include them into your busy, busy stressed-up life. Share with them your sorrow, but convince them that you'll be fine with their prayers tagged along.

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 11 - Try your best to make your teachers feel respected and appreciated. Take what is good from them, whilst forgive them for their shortcomings. Assist your teachers by getting actively involved in teaching learning activities. Make them interactive, lively, fun and enjoyable. Help your teachers, they need you to be on board!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 12 - Strengthen your friendship with peers, seniors & juniors. Don't be a loner. Help one another always. Study in a group, studying alone limits your understanding & perspective. The best way to learn is to teach! So, teach one another - you'll be amazed by the result of such teamwork.

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 13 - Spend your holiday/semester break with your family. Visit your grandparents, uncles, aunts & cousins. Let them see the `new, better, matured' future family doctor whom they're so proud of. Impress them with your improved communication & interpersonal skills. Listen attentively to their complaints, groans & moans. Gently remind them, you're not yet licensed to treat...

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 14 - Manage your time wisely. Sleep early and wake up fresh. Do not compromise your sleeping time by spending too much time online. Chronic sleep deprivation will only result in higher level of stress! Stop the vicious cycle, NOW!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 15 - Pluck your courage to greet ALL your teachers when you meet them at the corridors/cafetaria/lifts etc. Don't expect them to remember your name, unless you're really exceptional. They might not be smiling back to you, but your consistent greetings will somewhat make your face familiar to them. At least they realize that you EXIST....and that really matters.

you can do it~

Friday, November 18, 2011

Merekalah yang jawab

Merekalah yang jawab

Pemaksa dan mereka yang dipaksa. Dua kumpulan yang berbeza. Pernahkah anda dipaksa seterusnya terpaksa?


Sepanjang beberapa tahun ini, saya sudah melalui pelbagai-bagai jenis kem. Boleh juga dikatakan program. Kadang-kadang memprogram dan kadang-kadang pula diprogram. Kedua-duanya mempunyai kelabihan masing-masing. Apa yang paling dominant selalunya mereka yang memprogram.

Ini kerana, mereka mempunyai ‘kuasa’ untuk mengendalikan semua urusan program itu. Sebagai contoh, kem komandan ialah individu yang paling berkuasa dalam sesuatu program. Semua urusan yang penting WAJIB diberitahu kepadanya. Kerana apa? Kerana dia ada kuasa?


Ada benarnya kata pak cik si spiderman, with great power, comes great responsibility.

“dengan kuasa yang besar, ada tanggungjawab yang besar”

Ketua berkuasa kerana dia bertnggungjawab. Dia bertanggungjawb atas semua yang dipimpinnya.

Oleh sebab itulah , tercipta satu kata-kata yang menarik.

Two rules in this world:

1-The bos is always wright

2-If the bos is wrong, refers to rule number 1

Lawak bukan?

Merekalah yang jawab

Di sini ialah isi utama coretan ini ditulis. Saya pernah ke satu kem, yang bukan dikendalikan oleh saya. Saya peserta. Dan disinilah ‘Spiderman’ lahir.

Trainer yang bertugas bertanya, “nak tanya. Emm, kamu boleh tak pegang lelaki dan perempuan?”

Saya dan kawan-kawan lain tersentap. Adakah ini satu ‘soalan’?

“tidak boleh. Mana boleh pegang anak dara orang” jawabku bersahaja. Kami semua ketawa. Dalam hati tidak begitu.

Kita cuba menjaga, dengan segala usaha kita. Dan apabila kita tidak mampu untuk mengubah apa-apa. Merekalah yang jawab.

Command sense

Hingga hari ini, saya masih hairan. Agak hairan. Bagaimana soalan itu boleh timbul?

Kita semua sudah arif dan kenal budaya kita. Budaya orang timur. Lebih tepat lagi. Budaya melayu islam. Semua sudah mengetahuinya. Sepatutnya mengetahuinya.

Berpegangan lelaki dan perempuan, bergaul bebas, melakukan aktiviti lasak dan air bersama tanpa sebarang sebab yang kuat, semua itu tidak dibenarkan oleh budaya timur kita. Apatah lagi agama. Adap kita, maruah kita dan prinsip kita. Semua itu lambang dan identiti kita.

Bayangkan jika ada yang mengatakan, “boleh, tidak ada masalah” bagi soalan tadi. Apa yang akan berlaku seterusnya? Dan seterusnya?

Tidak Professional?

Mungkin ada yang akan mengatakan bahawa saya ini tertutup, jumud, tidak professional dan macam-macam lagi. Katakan saja. Pahala percuma.

Professional ialah seperti hak (haq). Meletakkan sesuatu ditempatnya. Berlawan dengan zalim, meletakkan sesuatu bukan pada tempatnya. Bertindak mengikut keadaan. Komitmen. Saya faham.

The God is always right

Disebabkan Tuhan ialah pencipta dan pentadbir. Segala suruhannya tidak pernah salah. Kuasa autoritinya lebih hebat daripada mana-mana bos dan ketua di alam ini. Allah ialah pemilik mutlak alam ini.

Oleh itu, sebagai peringatan kepada diri dan semua bos-bos di luar sana.

The God is always right. More then others

P/S: artikel ini ditulis untuk terbitan umum. Tidak merujuk kepda mana-mana pihak

Friday, November 11, 2011

Tips For Us!! Part 1

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 1 - Thank Allah (God) for this golden opportunity. Allow yourself to be trained with the basic medical knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours that are essential for the profession. If you're a caring, responsible, unselfish and emphatic person, half the battle is won. If you're not, it's a long way ahead!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 2 - Do not be afraid to make mistakes now. As students, you learn thro' your mistakes and corrections by your teachers. If you're scolded or criticized for your mistakes, be strong. You could only be hurt or affected as much as you have allowed yourself to be!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 3 - Look forward for your exams, instead of being depressed over them. Two reasons for that; first - exams are TRADEMARK of medical schools (they are here to stay!), secondly - they serve as signboards, telling you how close (or how far) you're to the destiny. Enjoy & cherish them!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 4 - Enhance your passion & hunger for knowledge. You might have your own learning style, but you can always switch your approach from superficial to deep. Learn because you really wanna know, not for simply passing exams (superficial approach)!

SURVIVAL TIPS FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS : Tip no. 5 - Appreciate the cooperative patients who have agreed to allow you to examine them. Give them their due respect. Despite their pain and misery, they let you `disturb' their rest/sleep. Promise yourself that you will be a competent doctor one day, so all the patients' sacrifice for you would not go wasteful!

p/s: more tips coming ^_^
I hope all this will make me know my self better and know the God creation better. May all this is consider by Allah as good deed for the sake of this world and hereafter. Amin Ya Rab~

From Dr Harlina Siraj. (love her input very much)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Salam Aidil Adha

Korbankanlah masa kerana Allah,
kerana masa itu milikNya,
Korbankanlah tenaga kerana Allah,
kerana semua itu ibadah yang indah,
Korbankanlah cinta kerana Allah,
kerana Dialah sebenarnya pemilik cinta,
korbankanlah harta kerana Allah,
kerana itu semua milikNya.

~berkorban jangan sampai terkorban~

Salam Aidil Adha daripada khalifah ^^

PPD Camp MD AUCMS. A New Step Begin

Sekitar PPD Camp MD AUCMS (31 Oct -4 Nov 2011)
Kem Bukit Hijau


SGD (Smart Group Discussion)

Survival Skill

Kumpulan 2 terbaik! Alhamdulilah, Sedap ^^

Sedia untuk bertempur

Beraksi!! (seperti bermain Battlefield 3 real live!!)
Angan-angan seperti di latihan Mujahidin

Alhamdulillah, kemenangan di pihak kami.

Bersama pemilik kem, Firdaus (tok batin) dan juga Pak Long( bekas Komando)

Tak lupa juga, en.Ta E' (nama samaran)

Terlalu banyak untuk diceritakan, moga gambar-gambar di atas dapat menceritakan beribu-ribu cerita.

P/s: PPD camp ini diadakan khas untuk semua pelajar perubatan MD AUCMS Bacth 1 sebagai pengenalan kepada dunia kedoktoran selain menguatkan mental dan fizikal para peserta. Sangat menarik.

Walaupun saya selalu memprogram, tetapi di sini kami diprogram pula. Terasa muda ^^

Memang diakui, suasana (biah) di sini tidaklah seperti di KUIN. Tetapi apa-apapun, di mana bumi dipijak, di situ ISLAM dijunjung. InsyaAllah, akan di'KUIN'kan tak lama lagi.

Semoga Allah merahmati perjalanku ini khususnya sepanjang 5 tahun yang mendatang. Amin^^

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